Environmental Protection Eng Course

Environmental Protection Eng Course

Form of study

- 3,5 years full-time
- 4 years part-time ( in Łowicz branch of WULS-SGGW)

    After completion of the course the graduate will be granted Engineer’s degree in environmental protection. The Socrates – Erasmus programme gives the best students an opportunity to study 1 or 2 semesters abroad.

    After completion of the 5th semester of the course, students are required to choose one of 5 specializations:

    - Management and eco-development technologies
    - Protection and reclamation of water ecosystems
    - Nature protection
    - Environment, food and health
    - Technologies in environmental protection

      Entry requirements (details and dates available on WULS-SGGW main page)

      Candidates are admitted on the basis of marks they obtained on the final high school exams from the following subjects: modern foreign language and mathematics or biology or chemistry.

      Potential work places:

      - local and national government,
      - national and international environmental protection and design institutions,
      - municipal engineering companies,
      - environmental departments in companies,
      - design and consulting companies.